Membership fees

RNAO fee categories


You may enroll as a "regular member" if you are registered as a registered nurse (RN) or nurse practitioner (NP) in Ontario.

This fee includes professional liability protection (PLP) and services which meet the College of Nurses of Ontario's PLP requirement. For further information, please go to


If you previously practised as a registered nurse or nurse practitioner and are now retired, you are eligible to register in this discounted category. Members choosing this category receive professional liability protection only if they maintain valid College of Nurses of Ontario registration in a class other than the non-practising class.


If you are working on average 15 hours or less per week at any occupation, you may enroll in the "underemployed/unemployed" category. This category may be suitable for circumstances such as maternal/parental leave, medical leave or working casually.

An "underemployed/unemployed" member must notify RNAO upon returning to paid employment of more than 15 hours.

This fee includes professional liability protection (PLP) and services which meet the College of Nurses of Ontario's PLP requirement. For further information, please go to


ONA group discount
ONA group discount

If you are a dues-paying member of the Ontario Nurses' Association (ONA), you are eligible for this discounted category.

This fee includes professional liability protection (PLP) and services which meet the College of Nurses of Ontario's PLP requirement. For further information, please go to

CUPE group discount
CUPE group discount

If you are a dues-paying member of the Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE), you are eligible for this discounted category.

This fee includes professional liability protection (PLP) and services which meet the College of Nurses of Ontario's PLP requirement. For further information, please go to

Hospital group/Waterloo Chapter
Hospital group/Waterloo Chapter

If you are a registered nurse who lives or works in Waterloo Chapter or is employed at:

  • Credit Valley Hospital
  • Trillium
  • William Osler Health System
  • Mackenzie Health
  • The Hospital for Sick Children (SickKids)
  • Scarborough Hospital
  • Sunnybrook & Women's Health Sciences Centre

you are eligible for this discounted category.

This fee includes professional liability protection (PLP) and services which meet the College of Nurses of Ontario's PLP requirement. For further information, please go to

New RN in Ontario
New RN in Ontario

You are eligible for this membership category if you:

  • have graduated from an undergraduate nursing program leading to your initial "RN" registration with the College of Nurses of Ontario (CNO) within the past 12 months or plan to graduate in the next 3 months, or
  • have registered with the College of Nurses of Ontario (CNO) within the past 12 months, or
  • have satisfied all prerequisites necessary for an internationally educated nurse (IEN) to practice as an RN in Ontario within the past 12 months

This category includes all the rights and privileges of membership in the regular fee category, and includes professional liability protection (PLP) which meets the CNO's PLP requirement.

These complimentary memberships, provided by HUB International, RNAO's home and auto insurance partner, are valid until the end of the membership year. If you are currently an RNAO undergraduate nursing student or IEN associate member and want to upgrade to this category, please email your request to with the subject heading, NEW RN MEMBERSHIP UPGRADE, or call us at 416-599-1925 or 1-800-268-7199.

Available while quantities last.

New graduate from NP program
New graduate from NP program

If you have graduated from an nurse practitioner (NP) study program within the past 12 months, you are eligible for this discounted category. This fee includes professional liability protection (PLP) which meets the College of Nurses of Ontario's PLP requirement. For further information about RNAO's PLP, please go to

Out of Province Associate
Out of Province Associate

Registered nurses (RNs) or nurse practitioners (NPs) in other Canadian jurisdictions who are not practising nursing in Ontario or, any RN or NP or equivalent in a jurisdiction outside of Canada who is not practising nursing in Canada are eligible for this discounted category. RNAO's professional liability protection is available across Canada provided RNAO membership and registration to a Canadian nursing regulatory body are both maintained.

Undergraduate Nursing Student Associate
Undergraduate Nursing Student Associate

If you are an Ontario nursing student studying in a program leading toward a registered nurse designation with the College of Nurses of Ontario, you are eligible for this discounted category.

Internationally Educated Nurse Associate
Internationally Educated Nurse Associate

You are eligible for this discounted category if you:

  • are an RN/NP in a jurisdiction outside of Canada
  • reside in Canada and are not yet registered as a nurse in Ontario
  • have applied to the College of Nurses of Ontario (CNO) for registration as an RN or NP and have received an application number from the CNO in respect to that application


Friends of RNAO
Friends of RNAO

This membership is for any person who wishes to support the work of RNAO, but does not meet the criteria of 'member' or 'associate member'. It does not include professional liability protection.

Become a Friend of RNAO and show your dedication to progressive health-care and nursing policies that benefit the health of the people of Ontario and beyond. Friends of RNAO receive timely updates on RNAO's advocacy, media releases, best practice guidelines (BPGs), educational webinars and more. They also receive RNAO’s monthly e-newsletter In the Loop and our award-winning online publication RNJ to be on top of the important issues in nursing, health and health care. Friends of RNAO can also access RNAO’s affinity partners’ group rate discounts in home and auto insurance, mortgage savings and more.

Membership addons

Legal Assistance Program
Legal Assistance Program

Available for nurses with registered nurse (RN) and RN (EC) registrations with the College of Nurses of Ontario. For more information, please visit

RNAO membership automatically provides professional liability protection (PLP), which is required by the College of Nurses of Ontario (CNO), and cyber liability protection (CLP).

Interest group fees

Black Nurses Leading Change (BNLC)
  • Regular
  • Student
Black Nurses Leading Change (BNLC)

BNLC supports what transpires from the work of our Black Nurses Task Force since 2020, and continues to inform the RNAO and our members on issues affecting Black nurses and nursing students. BNLC will advocate for anti-racism, seek to offer mentorship, provide continuing education and provide a safe space for Black nurses and nursing students, and their allies, to network and interact with each other.

BNLC’s mission is to tackle anti-Black racism in the nursing profession and advocate for the professional advancement of Black nurses.

Clinical Nurse Specialist Association of Ontario (CNS-ON)
  • Regular
  • Student
Clinical Nurse Specialist Association of Ontario (CNS-ON)

CNS-ON represents the professional interests of all clinical nurse specialists in Ontario. It promotes advanced nursing practice through professional networking opportunities and educational development activities for its members. CNS-ON supports the integration of CNSs across the health-care system and advocates for CNS title protection.

Community Health Nurses' Initiatives Group (CHNIG)
  • Regular
  • Student
Community Health Nurses' Initiatives Group (CHNIG)

CHNIG’s mission is to act as the voice of community health nurses. The key role of CHNIG is to help influence the health-care system and health and social policy in areas that affect the work of community health nurses and the public they serve.  
CHNIG provides members with opportunities for: knowledge exchange through professional development including relevant webinars and newsletters; networking with other community health nurses and involvement on professional practice committees; bursaries and awards for education, research, excellence in practice, and participation in annual general meetings; advocacy on issues important to community health nurses; and participation in forums to influence health policy.

Complementary Therapies Nurses' Interest Group (CTNIG)
  • Regular
  • Student
Complementary Therapies Nurses' Interest Group (CTNIG)

CTNIG’s vision is to have complementary therapies recognized, incorporated and integrated into nursing and health care in Ontario. Nurses in the growing field of complementary therapies can be a part of this vision through networking and advocating for change.

Diabetes Nursing Interest Group (DNIG)
  • Regular
  • Student
Diabetes Nursing Interest Group (DNIG)

DNIG contributes a nursing voice to diabetes practice, education, and research. This group lobbies at the provincial level, supports continuing education and research, and strives to establish a network of information sharing and collaboration within the diabetes education and care community and with other health-care professionals.

Faith Community Nursing Interest Group (FCNIG)
  • Regular
  • Student
Faith Community Nursing Interest Group (FCNIG)

FCNIG believes the spiritual dimension is central to parish nursing as we assist individuals and groups to integrate life experiences with faith in their journey to wholeness and health.

Gerontological Nursing Association of Ontario (GNAO)
  • Regular
  • Student
Gerontological Nursing Association of Ontario (GNAO)

GNAO provides members with local, provincial and national opportunities for dialogue and networking among nurses who care for older people across all health-care sectors. Through 11 active chapters across Ontario, GNAO offers evidence-informed education, leadership in political advocacy and professional practice development. Included is automatic membership in the Canadian Gerontological Nursing Association (CGNA), allowing access to online learning opportunities, scholarship/research grants, and a free subscription to Perspectives, the online peer-reviewed CGNA Journal.

Independent Practice Nurses Interest Group (IPNIG)
  • Regular
  • Student
Independent Practice Nurses Interest Group (IPNIG)

IPNIG is a provincial interest group of independent private practice nurses within RNAO that advocates for the recognition of registered nurses working in private practice as health care specialists in direct patient clinic care, education, research, administration or consultation. IPNIG promotes public awareness for client-centered community health care utilizing full nursing capabilities in a broad range of diverse primary health-care services.

Indigenous Nurses and Allies Interest Group (INAIG)
  • Regular
  • Student
Indigenous Nurses and Allies Interest Group (INAIG)

INAIG envisions more Indigenous representation and education in nursing and healthcare settings to create safer and more inclusive and accessible spaces for members of Indigenous populations and support reconciliation.

Their mission is to foster and advocate for nursing practice that follows the Truth and Reconciliation Calls to action and environments free of racism, anti-Indigenous discrimination and promote culturally safe healthcare. For further information please go to INAIG’s website.

International Nursing Interest Group (INIG)
  • Regular
  • Student
International Nursing Interest Group (INIG)

INIG is interested in promoting universally accessible, affordable and equitable health care for all. INIG endeavours to create an environment which fosters growth, understanding and collaboration on global issues that impact nurses and nursing practice locally, nationally and internationally.

Maternal Child Nurses' Interest Group (MCNIG)
  • Regular
  • Student
Maternal Child Nurses' Interest Group (MCNIG)

MCNIG represents nurses who are passionate about promoting optimal health for women, infants and families across the continuum of childbearing from preconception to the postnatal and early infancy periods.

Men In Nursing Interest Group (MINIG)
  • Regular
  • Student
Men In Nursing Interest Group (MINIG)

MINIG mission is to educate, support and strengthen the image of nurses by speaking out for nursing and speaking out for health. We respect human dignity and are committed to diversity, inclusivity and democracy. Our mission is to show leadership through working with our communities, the general public, nurses, other health-care providers, nursing organizations and groups to advance the profession of nursing.

Mental Health Nursing Interest Group (MHNIG)
  • Regular
  • Student
Mental Health Nursing Interest Group (MHNIG)

MHNIG offers a network of professional resources, support and access to financial assistance through bursaries and awards. The purpose of MHNIG is to actively promote partnerships that work towards improving the mental health and well-being of individuals, their families and our communities. MHNIG membership gives you joint membership with the Canadian Federation of Mental Health Nurses (CFMHN) – a national interest group of the Canadian Nurses Association which aims to further the standard of mental health nursing in Canada. MHNIG membership provides you with provincial and national perspectives of psychiatric/mental health nursing.

New RN in Ontario Interest Group (NRNIG)
  • Regular
  • Student
New RN in Ontario Interest Group (NRNIG)

NRNIG supports new RNs in Ontario as they transition to practicing RNs and provides them with networking opportunities to support knowledge and career growth. NRNIG creates a supportive space for new RNs in Ontario to advocate for healthy public policy and work environments.

Nurse Practitioner Interest Group (NPIG)
  • Regular
  • Student
Nurse Practitioner Interest Group (NPIG)

The objectives of NPIG is to advance the voice of nurse practitioners within the RNAO and promote a strong, collective nursing voice by adhering to RNAO's mission and values. NPIG looks to advocate for healthy public policy on issues related to nursing, health and health care, providing a Nurse Practitioner perspective; to facilitate a place for networking, leadership for Nurse Practitioner members of RNAO; and to foster leadership and advocacy capacity building skills among Nurse Practitioners by empowering them to take action on issues that affect the nursing profession and the public they serve.

Nursing Leadership Network of Ontario (NLN.ON)
  • Regular
  • Student
Nursing Leadership Network of Ontario (NLN.ON)

NLN.ON is committed to being the voice for nursing leadership in Ontario. NLN.ON works collaboratively with RNAO in identifying the unique needs of nursing leaders and advocating for the resources and supports vital to the success of nurse leaders and administrators in a wide variety of complex roles and practice settings across the province. NLN.ON is committed to linking with nurse leaders and other key stakeholders in order to collectively and strategically influence the future direction of health care.

Nursing Research Interest Group (NRIG)
  • Regular
  • Student
Nursing Research Interest Group (NRIG)

NRIG promotes the conduct and utilization of nursing research in Ontario through lobbying, funding, educating, collaborating and networking with the goal of improving the health of people in Ontario.

Nursing Students of Ontario (NSO)
  • Regular
  • Student
Nursing Students of Ontario (NSO)

NSO represents Ontario’s nursing students by empowering the nurses of tomorrow through leadership, visibility and education. NSO collaborates and speaks out on matters of the nursing student body, the profession, and the well-being of Ontarians.

Occupational Health Nurses Interest Group (OHNIG)
  • Regular
  • Student
Occupational Health Nurses Interest Group (OHNIG)

OHNIG acts as the voice and forum for the specialized area of the occupational health nursing profession. OHNIG offers a network of professional resources, guides, networking and support in the occupational health nurse specialty practice.

Ontario Association of Rehabilitation Nurses (OARN)
  • Regular
  • Student
Ontario Association of Rehabilitation Nurses (OARN)

OARN provides leadership in advocating for healthy public policy as it relates to rehabilitation; positioning of rehabilitation nursing as a central element in shaping public policy; and advancing rehabilitation nursing through practice, education, research, policy and leadership.

Ontario Campus Health Nursing Association (OCHNA)
  • Regular
  • Student
Ontario Campus Health Nursing Association (OCHNA)

OCHNA represents the strong voice of registered nurses working within the post-secondary campus setting throughout Ontario. The members of this group are part of a unique interdisciplinary team and play integral roles in providing on campus health care services. Campus health nurses carry a vast scope of practice and blend principles of primary care nursing and community nursing to support population health and direct care needs of students. OCHNA acts as a valuable community of practice that shares related health information across Ontario post-secondary campuses.

Ontario Correctional Nurses' Interest Group (OCNIG)
  • Regular
  • Student
Ontario Correctional Nurses' Interest Group (OCNIG)

OCNIG empowers nurses in correctional settings to collaborate professionally, promote health in incarcerated communities and continue professional development through education and advocacy.

Ontario Nurses for the Environment Interest Group (ONEIG)
  • Regular
  • Student
Ontario Nurses for the Environment Interest Group (ONEIG)

ONEIG aims to illuminate the link between the environment and health and to promote healthy, sustainable environments through nursing leadership. Through awareness building, education and political action, ONEIG seeks to integrate the environmental determinants of health into all sectors of nursing practice. ONEIG’s vision is a world in which environmental health is recognized as a fundamental human right.

Ontario Nursing Informatics Group (ONIG)
  • Regular
  • Student
Ontario Nursing Informatics Group (ONIG)

ONIG promotes the awareness and value of nursing data, information management and the use of technology for the provision of high quality, cost-effective health care.

Ontario PeriAnesthesia Nurses Association (OPANA)
  • Regular
  • Student
Ontario PeriAnesthesia Nurses Association (OPANA)

OPANA is a professional interest group representing perianesthesia nurses, acting as a professional link to assist in addressing nursing practice issues as they relate to patient care in the perianesthesia environment. Provincial membership includes membership in the National Association of PeriAnesthesia Nurses of Canada (NAPANC).

Ontario Woundcare Interest Group (OntWIG)
  • Regular
  • Student
Ontario Woundcare Interest Group (OntWIG)

OntWIG is the only interdisciplinary interest group. OntWIG welcomes healthcare professionals from all health-care sectors who influence wound prevention, treatment and health-care policy for all Ontarians.

Palliative Care Nurses Interest Group (PCNIG)
  • Regular
  • Student
Palliative Care Nurses Interest Group (PCNIG)

PCNIG is the only interest group for nurses working in palliative care in Ontario. It provides a forum for nurses to discuss current clinical best practices, share education opportunities and advocate for issues affecting the palliative care setting.

Pediatric Nurses Interest Group (PedNIG)
  • Regular
  • Student
Pediatric Nurses Interest Group (PedNIG)

PedNIG is an advocate for the health-care needs of children, youth and their families. PedNIG promotes the profession of pediatric nursing across the province and at the national level. For its members, PedNIG offers numerous educational and leadership opportunities, including bursaries and awards for excellence in pediatric nursing.

Primary Care Nurses’ of Ontario (PCNO)
  • Regular
  • Student
Primary Care Nurses’ of Ontario (PCNO)

PCNO represents registered nurses in family practice/primary care settings in private offices, clinics, teaching centres, HSOs, community health centres and university/college student health centres. PCNO and RNAO are working together to advocate for family practice nurses, especially in this time of health-care transformation. PCNO membership includes membership for the Canadian Family Practice Nurses Association.

Provincial Nurse Educator Interest Group (PNEIG)
  • Regular
  • Student
Provincial Nurse Educator Interest Group (PNEIG)

PNEIG’s purpose is to provide a supportive network for all nurse educators in academic and practice/clinical settings who are interested in educational matters. PNEIG promotes dialogue between nursing students and nursing educators, fosters student involvement in activities, identifies issues and takes action on matters of provincial and regional importance related to nursing education in collaboration with RNAO and other groups. PNEIG also provides professional development opportunities for nurse educators.

Rainbow Nursing Interest Group (RNIG)
  • Regular
  • Student
Rainbow Nursing Interest Group (RNIG)

RNIG values evidence-informed, inclusive, reflective, respectful, safe and supportive care and environments for people of all sexual orientations and gender identities and expressions. RNIG’s goals are to challenge invisibility and silencing faced by LGBTT2SIQQAA people, to facilitate evidence-informed nursing care that reflects the needs of LGBTT2SIQQAA clients, and to advocate for LGBTT2SIQQAA clients and provide resources, support and knowledge for registered nurses, their communities, and each other. RNIG envisions every space a positive space.

Registered Nurse First Assistant Interest Group (RNFA)
  • Regular
  • Student
Registered Nurse First Assistant Interest Group (RNFA)

RNFA promotes dialogue and advocates for RNFA positions in conjunction with RNAO and the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Long-Term Care. The RNFA interest group of Ontario provides ongoing support and opportunities for RNFAs to take part in educational sessions and meetings with RNFAs in the province.

Retired Nurses' Interest Group (RetNIG)
  • Regular
  • Student
Retired Nurses' Interest Group (RetNIG)

RetNIG is focused on the careers of registered nurses and nurse practitioners and is open to any RNAO member who has retired or who is considering retirement.

Membership is also open to nursing students who wish to learn from long-time career nurses. The activities of the interest group will include mentoring and supporting nurses at all stages of their careers, education and political action.

Staff Nurse Interest Group (SNIG)
  • Regular
  • Student
Staff Nurse Interest Group (SNIG)

SNIG believes staff nurses have a leadership role during these times of change. It is also vital that we recognize the need for renewal and reinvesting in ourselves and in our profession. Staff nurses are key partners in a robust and dynamic health-care system.